Having worked in the NHS hospital sector in the UK where there is a large elderly population, I realised that as I approached my late forties I really needed to start focusing on strategies to maintain my health. I do not want to end up on a complex regimen of medicines which is a job in itself to manage each day! I needed to take steps to maintain my current state of good health rather than allow it to deteriorate over the years.

Realising how little tuition I received in my Pharmacy degree, on the important foundations of good health, I enrolled in a Health Coaching Diploma with the College of Naturopathic Medicine in the UK. Lifestyle and food are major determinants of our health and we DO have control over them. Hippocrates the father of modern medicine said “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.”

I am a mother to three teenage children so I am passionate about the state of our children’s health. We are living in a toxic, fast paced, convenience orientated world which is seriously impacting our personal health and the health of our children. Chronic disease and mental health issues are rising at an incredible rate in our children. As adults we need to reflect and change the course of our health for the sake of our children. We need to be the role models and mentors for our children and grandchildren. As parents or guardians we need to act NOW in order to change our children’s health trajectory so as to avoid a lifetime of ill health.

Let’s Talk